The beading course includes basic techniques and colorful tricks with which you can decorate items. After the training you will be able not only to create patterns based on any schemes, but also to come up with your own unique and colorful projects.
Beads are used to create jewelry, cell phone cases, hair clips, and to decorate knitted items and toys. From this material you can embroider amazing images with your own hands.
For many beginners who just start beading, it can be quite difficult to understand the classification of beading techniques. Therefore, I decided to collect in one place links to master classes, dedicated to the study of different types of beading techniques, and briefly describe these types of techniques with their distinctive features.
We’ll look at the following types of techniques:
- flat parallel weaving,
- French weaving,
- Needlework,
- looping weave,
- volumetric parallel weaving,
- mesh weaving,
- brick stitch,
- mosaic weaving,
- hand weaving,
- monastic weaving.
Usually novices begin to learn beadwork with simple techniques. Flat parallel weaving (also this technique is often called simply “parallel weaving”) is well suited for this purpose. Weaving in this technique is usually carried out on a wire. Outwardly, the finished product looks like it consists of parallel rows, and each row consists of sequentially cast on the wire beads
1 We have a teacher with experience.
2 We have been in the market of vocational training for quite a long time, we have a solid material and technical base and a lot of experience in the organization of the educational process.
3 Here you can choose the most convenient training schedule, as well as a suitable level of complexity of the program in order to combine training with work, quickly and accurately get the necessary knowledge.
4 We have a very democratic price for courses!